Thursday, August 28, 2008


Our 8th audio album titled "KANKUHIMBISE" is now on the market after it was launched on September 7, 2008 at Ishaka town at Homeland Hotel.

The First show run from 2pm to 6pm and the Second run from 7pm to 10pm.

Guests were treated to nice songs and drama different package for each show. Other singers at the show included our former singer and friend Mrs Susan Mukabya of Masaka and Seek God First.

This album has songs: Kankuhimbise Mukama, Nitaenda, There is A Land, Amatsiko Gangye, Mukundane, Eka Eyo Mugisha, Hariho Orurembo and Rukundo Omumaka. We consinder this to be one of our best audio albums in our history of the 13 years gospel music ministry.


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