Monday, August 18, 2008

Fishers of men

From August 17, 2008 to September 6, 2008, AKAYO SINGERS was part of the facilitators at an evangelistic meeting at Sanga, 33 kms on Mbarara-Masaka road in Kiruhura district, Uganda.

The program was organised by our mother church, the Seventh day Adventist church of Sanga, Biharwe and Mbarara.

Our main ministry calling is preaching the gospel through music and drama, and we plegded to work for our Lord Jesus by letting our nets (work) down whenever we are called to work for him. Mathew 24:14.

May God bless everyone who took part in organising this public evangelism and the public at Sanga who are attended the meetings. 20 souls accepted Jesus as their personal saviour.


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